Tax Strategy

Protect your income

Your income is hard-earned and while you need to pay the taxes you owe, it’s important you don’t pay more than you need to. The more income you can hold onto, the more you can protect and grow your business. We’ll help you maximise profits while minimising the time you spend on taxes.

Paddy Cowman, Tax Director

Use our expertise to maximise your profit

Many businesses pay more taxes than they need to because of the way they’re structured. We’ll set up your tax affairs so that you’re paying just the right amount, in the right way and at the right time. You can then enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your tax matters are all fully above board, while delivering maximum profit for your business.

By making sure you’re availing of all relevant tax reliefs and by recommending the best way to structure both your business and your finances, we can make significant adjustments to your tax liability, and ultimately, your bottom line. This will free up essential capital for reinvestment in your business, and your future.

Enjoy the peace of mind of being fully tax compliant

It’s important that your business has a good relationship with Revenue, that VAT cashflow doesn’t become an issue, and that you’re fully compliant and up to date in the event of an audit. We can help you in all of these areas.

Tax Planning

You work hard for your income, and the more of it you can retain, the better. We work closely with you to minimise the amount of tax payable, freeing up additional funds to invest in your business, grow your assets or help fund your retirement.


VAT is one of the more time-consuming tasks that comes with your accounting responsibilities. We can talk you through the best optimum processes and systems for managing VAT payment and optimising your VAT cashflow.

Revenue Audit support

If you’ve been selected for an audit, we can help you get fully prepared to present your accounts to the Revenue Commissioners.

Business Structure

The business structure you adopt can have a huge impact on how well you manage to retain profits, and how well you are set up to address future issues such as retirement or succession.

We can help you to get to grips with your real needs – both now and into the future – and then recommend the business and taxation structure that will help you to reach the goals of owners, families and the businesses themselves.

It’s never too soon to start planning and building towards your future
Planning early turns ambitions into reality

At some stage, you'll need to think about longer-term goals for your business. Do you have an exit strategy and retirement plan that will give you the standard of living you want in your senior years?

We can help you plan for the years ahead in a way that future-proofs you against any unexpected tax liability.

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